Seeing the value of technology

  • Client
    Doro Mobile

  • Deliverables
    Branding & strategy

“Doro’s mobile phones are keys to inclusion for older people.” Standard mobile phones can be hard for some people to use. Doro’s clear sound, bright screen and finger-friendly keys are the answer.

We became Doro’s creative advertising agency via an international pitch and took the brand to a new level with a fresh persective on their offer, taking the focus from product features to the core benefit of making devices work for a segment who would otherwise be unable to use mobile technology. We saw this benefit as inclusion, or reinclusion, in a conversation that almost everyone else is involved in. We expressed this as “The Joy of Doro.”
Our first campaign delivered a near 50% year on year revenue uplift for the critical 4th quarter. Doro then took a bigger stand at Mobile World Congress which we designed.

We also evolved Doro’s brand architecture to accommodate a new division focused on devices such as home alarms. This enabled Doro to address a B2B audience with a stand at the annual Medica fair in Duesseldorf.
Our second campaign for Doro launched the company’s first smartphone, the Liberto. The company has continued building on the success of this model and has become a highly visible brand in Europe, where it is also among the leaders in featurephones. At the same time Doro’s North American sales have also grown significantly.

The brand device symbolises the bridging of technology to the elderly.

The brand refresh and the campaign work cemented their leadership in this niche market.